Cloud Build and Manage

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The technical teams at QuantM have been working on the future technologies and are ensuring to make all information infrastructure projects ready and designed to adopt them without making the previous investments redundant.

Cloud servers is one technology which we believe would have the greatest impact over the way customers would use information infrastructure as a service among each other and between departments, regions and even countries.

The practical cloud servers would be in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet. Users need not have knowledge of, expertise in, or control over the technology infrastructure “in the cloud” that supports them.

QuantM uses its strong IBM and SUN partnership to offer and implement the best of breed servers for its projects.We right size the server resource requirements and provision for the emerging technology trends; hence we call them as “Qloud Servers” The key characteristics of any design of Qloud server are:

  •  Agility
  •  Investment Protection
  •  Reliability
  •  Scalability
  •  Security
  •  Sustainability
  •  Upgradability
  •  Manageability
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